Protecting yourself online: A how-to for friends and family

Keeping ourselves, our loved ones and our personal data safe online is always a critical concern for everyone however, more often than not most people will fail to adequately implement the measures needed to protect themselves. The question is why are people not committing to secure themselves and their environment from existential threats? I am an expert in Information Technology and have worked in the industry since the 1990s. I’ve worked and consulted in every form of technology including the latest in converged infrastructure. As such, I hope to share my knowledge and expertise in security and risk management to help my friends and family stay safe from the pitfalls and threats that exist today in our online world. I hope to accomplish this by removing the complexity from the equation so that the reader easily comprehends the discussion and can comfortably implement the solutions needed to protect themselves and their loved ones.


Before beginning I needed to first understand the issue at hand. This involved:

  • discussions between those whom have consulted
  • those whom I have engaged
  • an analysis of social network and forum posts
  • the analysis of dozens upon dozens of search results on the subject matter.

Thought there are many artifacts that could contribute to explaining why personal IT security is not taken as seriously as it should the following two sentiments are prevailing factors.

“I’m safe; I’ve done all I need to do.”

Iam an expert in IT Security and not even I have implemented a solution that is 100% secure from the threats that exist today. In fact in researching this issue I have talked to people who were confident that they had protected themselves adequately online and were surprised to discover otherwise.

It is unrealistic to implement every requirement to safeguard ourselves from the computers, devices, and technologies around us. What I will give you in the various discussions below is the knowledge and instructions you need to decide what works best for you and how to implement it.

“I want to, but every time I start…”

What I have found is that most people genuinely want to protect themselves, but tend to find that implementing a solution quickly becomes either complex or bothersome. Be it through a ‘warning to viewers’ on the evening news or simple advise from a friend people are given advise on how to protect themselves. The problem is this advise rarely comes with adequate direction on how to do so.

I will strive to publish each discussion point below in a way that ensures you are adequately informed of the concern and take the measures required to implement any offered solution yourself.

A work in progress

This blog is a work in progress and as I contribute to this overall discussion on personal online security those discussion points will be added to the Information Technology menu above. Additionally, the bottom of each post should contain a link to the next discussion point. You will need to check back often to see the newer posts as they become available.

Hey, wait a minute

It is possible that I may inadvertently assume my instruction is conclusive and neglect to adequately provide a solution for your specific device, technology, or situation. If I do so please accept my sincere apology in advance and please contact me asking me to elaborate. Your feedback will let me update that post which will ultimately help others.